link to portfolio website:

J452 Portfolio Deck:

A slideshow of past work and projects that I’m proud of!

J342 Ideabook:

A super fun creative project I did in one of my advertising classes. We had subjective prompts and we created a book of all the ideas that came from it.

J342 Project Deck:

My team and I created a branding idea for Popeye’s to show support for woman’s reproductive rights.

J453 Crayola PR Plan

For this project, my team and I created a PR plan for Crayola and the launch of their new product.

J480 Social Media Plan

For this class, my team and I created a social media and PR plan for a company. Our goal was to raise all-around engagement and curate the platforms to changing trends.

ENG470 Interactive Storytelling Map

For my digital humanities project, my team and I created a map that focused on changing Eugene and Springfield High School curriculum. The map allows students and teachers to explore the Lane County area and learn about local history that usually would not be taught. In addition, you can send a pre-made email to local representatives to advocate for change. We plan to make the website public in the future.